Directed by Saulo Jamariqueli
Director of Photography: Tobi Jaal
Editing and Post Production: Saulo Jamariqueli
Director of Photography: Tobi Jaal
Editing and Post Production: Saulo Jamariqueli
Trufa is an analytics application that provides insights about business optimization in the enterprise in high speed and precision. In the past, Analytics meant to aggregate numbers into metrics, turn them into pies and bars, and perhaps even calculate trend lines. The complex, but value-adding work – namely to derive insights and actions from the information – has to be done by humans. I was commissioned by Deloitte Digital in Berlin to create a brand video, the concept explores the analogy where two identical players face each other in the game of GO but one player has the help of an A.I. My role in this project was to Direct the film shoot and realise the Editing and Post-Production.